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Create a private network using the QBFT consensus protocol

A private network provides a configurable network for testing. This tutorial walks you through creating an QBFT private network with five nodes.


The steps in this tutorial create an isolated, but not protected or secure, Ethereum private network. We recommend running the private network behind a properly configured firewall.



GoQuorum is a fork of geth. GoQuorum uses the geth command to start GoQuorum nodes.


1. Create directories

Create directories for your private network and five nodes:

cd QBFT-Network
mkdir -p Node-0/data/keystore Node-1/data/keystore Node-2/data/keystore Node-3/data/keystore Node-4/data/keystore

The following is the folder structure of the directories:

├── Node-0
│ └── data
│ └── keystore
├── Node-1
│ └── data
│ └── keystore
├── Node-2
│ └── data
│ └── keystore
├── Node-3
│ └── data
│ └── keystore
├── Node-4
│ └── data
│ └── keystore

2. Run the Quorum Genesis Tool

Run the Quorum Genesis Tool interactively or by using CLI options. The following example uses CLI options to create the genesis file and node keys:

npx quorum-genesis-tool --consensus qbft --chainID 1337 --blockperiod 5 --requestTimeout 10 --epochLength 30000 --difficulty 1 --gasLimit '0xFFFFFF' --coinbase '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' --validators 5 --members 0 --bootnodes 0 --outputPath 'artifacts'

This command generates node keys for five nodes, static-nodes.json, permissioned-nodes.json, disallowed-nodes.json, and genesis.json.

Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
Creating bootnodes...
Creating members...
Creating validators...
Artifacts in folder: artifacts/2022-02-23-12-34-35

The following is the folder structure of the artifacts generated:

├── artifacts
├── goQuorum
│ ├── disallowed-nodes.json
│ ├── genesis.json
│ ├── permissioned-nodes.json
│ └── static-nodes.json
├── userData.json
├── validator0
│ ├── accountAddress
│ ├── accountKeystore
│ ├── accountPassword
│ ├── accountPrivateKey
│ ├── address
│ ├── nodekey
│ └──
├── validator1
│ ├── accountAddress
│ ├── accountKeystore
│ ├── accountPassword
│ ├── accountPrivateKey
│ ├── address
│ ├── nodekey
│ └──
├── validator2
│ ├── accountAddress
│ ├── accountKeystore
│ ├── accountPassword
│ ├── accountPrivateKey
│ ├── address
│ ├── nodekey
│ └──
├── validator3
│ ├── accountAddress
│ ├── accountKeystore
│ ├── accountPassword
│ ├── accountPrivateKey
│ ├── address
│ ├── nodekey
│ └──
└── validator4
├── accountAddress
├── accountKeystore
├── accountPassword
├── accountPrivateKey
├── address
├── nodekey

Move all the keys into the artifacts folder directly, for ease of use in the next steps:

cd QBFT-Network
mv artifacts/2022-02-23-12-34-35/* artifacts

3. Update IP and port numbers

Go to the goQuorum directory of the artifacts:

cd artifacts/goQuorum

Update the IP and port numbers for all initial validator nodes in static-nodes.json and permissioned-nodes.json (if applicable).


For MacOS users, we recommend using localhost instead of

If you use permissions, replace permissioned-nodes.json with a copy of static-nodes.json.

cp static-nodes.json permissioned-nodes.json

4. Copy the static nodes file and node keys to each node

Copy static-nodes.json, genesis.json, and permissioned-nodes.json (if applicable) to the data directory for each node:

cp static-nodes.json genesis.json ../../Node-0/data/
cp static-nodes.json genesis.json ../../Node-1/data/
cp static-nodes.json genesis.json ../../Node-2/data/
cp static-nodes.json genesis.json ../../Node-3/data/
cp static-nodes.json genesis.json ../../Node-4/data/

In each validator directory, copy the nodekey files and address to the data directory:

cd ../validator0; cp nodekey* address ../../Node-0/data
cd ../validator1; cp nodekey* address ../../Node-1/data
cd ../validator2; cp nodekey* address ../../Node-2/data
cd ../validator3; cp nodekey* address ../../Node-3/data
cd ../validator4; cp nodekey* address ../../Node-4/data

Copy the individual account keys to the keystore directory for each node:

cd ../validator0; cp account* ../../Node-0/data/keystore
cd ../validator1; cp account* ../../Node-1/data/keystore
cd ../validator2; cp account* ../../Node-2/data/keystore
cd ../validator3; cp account* ../../Node-3/data/keystore
cd ../validator4; cp account* ../../Node-4/data/keystore

5. Initialize nodes

In each node directory (Node-0, Node-1, Node-2, Node-3, and Node-4), initialize the node:

geth --datadir data init data/genesis.json

6. Start node 0

In the Node-0 directory, start the first node:

export ADDRESS=$(grep -o '"address": *"[^"]*"' ./data/keystore/accountKeystore | grep -o '"[^"]*"$' | sed 's/"//g')
export PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore
geth --datadir data \
--networkid 1337 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 \
--syncmode full \
--istanbul.blockperiod 5 --mine --miner.threads 1 --miner.gasprice 0 --emitcheckpoints \
--http --http.addr --http.port 22000 --http.corsdomain "*" --http.vhosts "*" \
--ws --ws.addr --ws.port 32000 "*" \
--http.api admin,eth,debug,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3,istanbul \
--ws.api admin,eth,debug,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3,istanbul \
--unlock ${ADDRESS} --allow-insecure-unlock --password ./data/keystore/accountPassword \
--port 30300

The PRIVATE_CONFIG environment variable starts GoQuorum without privacy enabled.

7. Start nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4

In a new terminal for each node in each node directory, start the remaining nodes using the same command except specifying different ports for DevP2P and RPC.


The DevP2P port numbers must match the port numbers in static-nodes.json.

export ADDRESS=$(grep -o '"address": *"[^"]*"' ./data/keystore/accountKeystore | grep -o '"[^"]*"$' | sed 's/"//g')
export PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore
geth --datadir data \
--networkid 1337 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 \
--syncmode full \
--istanbul.blockperiod 5 --mine --miner.threads 1 --miner.gasprice 0 --emitcheckpoints \
--http --http.addr --http.port 22001 --http.corsdomain "*" --http.vhosts "*" \
--ws --ws.addr --ws.port 32001 "*" \
--http.api admin,eth,debug,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3,istanbul \
--ws.api admin,eth,debug,miner,net,txpool,personal,web3,istanbul \
--unlock ${ADDRESS} --allow-insecure-unlock --password ./data/keystore/accountPassword \
--port 30301

8. Attach to node 0

In another terminal in the Node-0 directory, attach to node 0:

geth attach data/geth.ipc

9. Check peer count

Use the JavaScript console to check the peer count:


If the peer count is 0, check the static-nodes.json was updated with the correct port numbers and copied to the data directory for each node.

The enode ID displayed in the logs on startup must match the enode listed in static-nodes.json for each node including the port number specified using --port on startup.

The log message is:

INFO [12-08|10:44:55.044] Started P2P networking   self="enode://1647ade9de728630faff2a69d81b2071eac873d776bfdf012b1b9e7e9ae1ea56328e79e34b24b496722412f4348b9aecaf2fd203fa56772a1a5dcdaa4a550147@"

10. List current validators

Use istanbul.getValidators to view the validator addresses.


Next steps

You can add and remove validators.