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account plugins

You can use account plugins with GoQuorum or clef to provide additional account management.

See the account plugin reference for more information.

Available account plugins

hashicorp-vault0.0.1Enables storage of GoQuorum account keys in a HashiCorp Vault KV v2 engine. Written in Go.

Using GoQuorum and clef

Run an account plugin using GoQuorum or clef:

geth --plugins file:///path/to/plugins.json ...

plugins.json is the plugins configuration file that defines an account provider:

"providers": {
"account": {
"name": "quorum-account-plugin-<NAME>",
"version": "<VERSION>",
"config": "file:///path/to/plugin.json"


A limited API allows users to interact directly with account plugins.


GoQuorum must expose the API using the --http.api plugin@account or --ws.api plugin@account command line options.


Creates a plugin-managed account with a new key.


config: object - Plugin-specific JSON configuration for creating an account. See the plugin's documentation for more information on the JSON configuration required.

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '
}' \

geth account plugin import

Creates a plugin-managed account from an existing private key.


  • plugins.account.config: Plugin-specific configuration for creating an account. The value can be file://... or inline JSON. See the plugin's documentation for more information on the JSON configuration required.
  • rawkey: Path to the file containing a hex-encoded account private key (without the 0x prefix) (for example /path/to/raw.key).
geth account plugin import \
--plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json \
--plugins.account.config file:///path/to/new-acct-config.json \

geth account plugin list

Lists all the plugin-managed accounts for a given configuration.

geth account plugin list \
--plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json